
Submit Short Story

How do I write a story?

When you tell a friend about a funny incident in your day, you have just told a story! It is just that simple. Sometimes, the biggest obstacle is just getting down to writing it.

Here are a few tips to getting that story down on paper.

1. Keep it simple: Everyone has their own story to tell. Simply write your memory in your own words. It doesn’t matter how long or short it is at first, just write. After you have written your story, only then, reread what you have written and make amend where you think necessary.

2. BME: Make sure you have a Beginning, a Middle and an End. This may sound obvious, but ensuring this, will allow your story to have a natural flow.

3. Writers Block: This happens to the greatest writers. If you cant think of anything to write, just take a time out. Go read a book, make a cup of tea or call a friend for a chat. Then, when you are ready, go back and try again. Don’t let the blank screen put you off. Write something, anything, than it is no longer a blank screen.

4. Keeping it in the family: For those of you who are writing a personal/family history, speak to other family members who may have shared moments with you. You never know what memories you may have forgotten!

5. We all make mitsakes: Don’t forget to do a spell check!

6. Don’t be shy: When you have finished your story, allow someone close to you to read it. They may have some valuable imput or point out some typos you may not have previously noticed.

7. Take 2:
If you decide to video your story, make sure you are in a comfortable environment and you are relaxed. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a cup of tea while filming. Take your time and speak slowly, we want to enjoy your story with you.

And you can also put up a good fiction story, as long it is written by yourself, so put your thinking cap on.