

Posted in 18+, Leinster, Life Stories, Male, Non-fiction
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A Place of Refuge for All God’s Creatures.

A place of refuge and peace for all Gods creatures. A place where man can live in the comfort of his dreams with out malice and hate, without grievance or shadow and can find the secrets of his soul, the love in his heart and thus be able to rise each day to a new sunrise which brings hope and a new beginning and a sunset that slowly draws the curtain on a day well spent. But all things come from small beginnings. The mighty oak comes from the smallest of seeds and in the middle of the dark forest it slowly grows until its tip reaches to the heavens and its seeds scatter in the four winds thus creating more mighty oaks. Yet in its first few days it needs the moisture of a gentle rain, the heat of a summer sun and protection against the wind and cold. Are we not all like the mighty oak.

I pray to God that this is where I will find my peace. Like the creatures of Shambala I will be able to live my life in harmony with those I love. Like the mighty oak I will grow until I am no longer in the shadow of the forest of life and provide the comfort and warmth for my saplings. And when my time comes and my sight dims in to a sea of memories, when my hands shake and my voice is but a whisper I hope that like the age old oak that I will still stand tall with dignity and as I reach for the heavens I can say to the Lord ‘I did my best’.