
A Little Random Act of Kindness

Posted in 18+, Female, Leinster, Life Stories, Non-fiction
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Often the happiest moments in life are achieved by just the simplest of deeds. There is surely more comfort in doing what you can, than doing nothing at all.

A random act of kindness was the furthest thing from my mind when I went into the shed early one morning in April. There, hidden in the corner, lying on the ground was a very sickly looking blackbird, with patches of blood beside her. Although I felt sorry for her, I was initially a little freaked out. Some instinct wouldn’t let her abandon me though…..

I mightn’t be able to help her but at least I could try to do something. I threw a sack over her as I’ve heard that this technique is often used to confuse and quieten a bird. Then I got Dad to take me to the vet and I carried her in a basket, keeping her wings held in tightly to prevent her trying to fly away. The vet told me her leg was broken but that it wasn’t too serious. She bound it in plaster and told me to leave her in the shed overnight and set her free the next day. So, I kept an eye on her in the basket and fed her some breadcrumbs, then released her in the morning and just hoped for the best!

Did my random act of kindness have a happy ending? Sadly, I don’t know and I guess I never will but at least I felt pleased that I had done my bit for her.

There is no moral to my story and no real conclusion other than sometimes a solution to feeling sorry for yourself is to focus that pity on something else. I’m not saying that rescuing a bird will cure depression, pass your exams or get you a new job. It might, however, put a smile on your face  It certainly did for me!

Never underestimate the power of showing you care!