
Where is my daughter thats all I’ve ever asked.

Posted in 18+, Female, Life Stories, Non-fiction, Rest of the world
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Jan 28 ,2000 It was my first day off after beginning my new management job at John’s Pizza, I was moving a washing machine through my house and the phone kept ringing, When I picked it up, the person on the other end of the phone asked if I was Crystal DuVergers mother and I said yes why, And I couldn’t understand this person, Some thing was said about an accident and I hang up on this person two or three times, Till finally a person I could understand called with an Identifying mark to verify that she was my daughter, She had been killed. I can’t tell you how bad every thing got from then on. And during the process my daughter’s body was in San Diego Ca. And money was all any body seemed to be concerned with, The whole ordeal was very poorly handled. But during this time I was given paper work to put away for her plot and grave site and so on. a FEW YEARS LATER I PULLED THE PAPER WORK OUT TO FIND that there was two different plots listed. I will admit I was medicated heavily,
But a couple of my friends that were there , said that where my daughter head stone was to close to the fence that was behind her when she was interned. I have try to address this over the past 13 years, So I took A friend with me for a wittiness and I warned her they were very rude to me, Well they sure did it again, Mrs. Mathers was saying some thing about renumbering the plots by the shed, and I wanted her to understand that the shed was there has not moved back in 2000 when she died. And if such a thing of renumbering a grave yard with out telling the people who visit these graves. Wow!!! Well some lady I’ve never seen before comes right straight into a private confession and yelling she the owner and that she does know where her daughter was. I can not tell you how much it took for me to shut my mouth not lay the lady out cold as I was leaving we were accorded by three blues brothers looking guys BIG guys to us two little women. I have never been treated so poorly ever. I only want to know where she is. Why am I treated like poop and I can’t tell you how many hours I have cried over this. I got very little closure with my daughters murder. I wasn’t out to sue any body I just wanted an answer. But after the way I was treated I would like to talk to a lawyer if one might think I have a case. Even a I’m not sure I would of excepted that but now that they had to treat me like they did, I had a friend lose her daughter just two days ago they are the only place we have here the one and only . And I don’t know if I even dare to go to her service with out trouble from these people these heart less people. How dare they…..